Welcome to Survey of Math, a virtual market place for students and teachers to access practical and supplementary math materials.

About the Book

According to smartasset.com, “Students who took algebra, geometry, and higher level math courses in high school were more likely to have higher incomes ten years later.”1 Nevertheless, many students often struggle in these subject areas. They have taken Algebra I and II, geometry, maybe even a precalculus class, but are not interested in going on to calculus. What do we do with them their senior year of high school? Many seniors have their math credits needed for high school graduation and therefore do not take any math their senior year. Most educators will concur that taking a year off of math before going to college is often disastrous. Career advice expert Randall Hansen states that “Studies also show that students who continue to take advanced courses in the sciences, math, foreign languages, or English during their senior year are better prepared and perform better in related college courses.”2 So what do you do with thousands of high school students who don’t need high level math, but are wanting to go into college and succeed? Welcome to Survey of Mathematics!

This book is designed to help keep math skills sharp in preparation for taking the SAT and going into college. The basics of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, probability, statistics, personal finance, and more are covered. This book targets strengthening basic skills and prepares its readers for college algebra courses or for more difficult courses ahead. After taking this course, many high schoolers have indicated that their SAT math scores rose substantially (over 80 points) as a direct result of the concepts taught in this book.

Every teacher and every student wants to have success. Survey of Mathematics can give both teachers and students the tools and knowledge to grow in their mathematical abilities.

  1. Patterson, Tiffany. “The Connection Between High School Math and Income,” https://smartasset.com/career/the-connection-between-high-school-math-and-income. November 7, 2017. Web. 9 March 2021.

  2. Hansen, Randall. “High School Seniors: Preparing for Your Next Step After High School,” https://www.livecareer.com/resources/careers/recent-grads/after-high-school, n.d. Web. 9 March 2021.